Sunday, July 29, 2007

Assinine double standards.. enough already

What is with Indian society and its absolutely stupid double standards. Yes I do agree that we can't apply all the same rules for men and women but the way Indian society looks at certain issues is just utter. For instance, why is it alright for a male to stray in a marriage but when the woman does it all hell breaks loose. She might as well get a new identity and move to a different continent. I mean I'm not prowomen strayin in marriage,hell no but why do the men get excused. Like its no big deal, they can do what they want to your job as a wife is to sit quietly and accept his apology. If he does apologise that is, if he doesnt well shut up and deal with it anyway.
There is no excuse what so ever!
Even with relationships its the same thing, maybe its slightly better because women have he option of walking out, though it may tarnish their reputation a wee bit!
Next scenario,your brother gets to party but you dont even though he gets home pissed drunk every time and you dont (say when you went for a dance or something). The reason you get is that he a is boy and your a girl even though you would handle yourself better under the same situation, being your gender could harm you!
When a boy is sexually abused there is a huge hue n cry n the offender gets his due and whatever else required,BUT if a woman gets raped a little news paper coverage some discussion and then they insult the girl by saying that she was asking for it!Who asks to get raped,who would want to suffer in that way ? Wearin what you want is your freedom of expression,which sadly women truely don't have. It takes alot for someone to come up and make it known to the authorities that she has been raped. After that the way society looks at her changes , she gets labelled, insulted by officials who say she asked for it maybe even mistreated by them.
After all that we wonder why so many rape cases are go past unreported. Who would want to report it after seeing the treatment meted out to those that do. It would take alot of strenght to do so. There is no excuse whatsoever for raping someone ,none. The victim could have been roaming around naked and men would not have the right to touch her .
I know men are not brilliantly endowed with self control but a little effort on their part would do a whole lot of good.All we are asking for is a little self respect, is that too much to ask for ?

1 comment:

Nessun Dorma said...

What sort of language is that...?

Che Che.